Black Christian Homeschoolers Association

Support, encouragement, news and views for Black Christian families who are considering homeschooling or who are already homeschooling.

My Photo
Location: Ohio, United States

I am the wife of a professional photographer and a homeschool mom. My interests are Biblical theology, scrapbooking and freelance writing.

Saturday, April 23, 2005

This Blog is Moving

To simplify my life, I am merging this blog with my more popular blog at Homeschool Mom Tips. I will continue to report on stories of interest to Black Christian Homescoolers as well as other news from a Christian homeschool mom point-of-view.

If anyone is interested in helping me get Black Christian Homeschool Association off the ground, please e-mail me.

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Black Families Have Fewer Computers

Computers are so important in homeschooling. I can not imagine homeschooling without one.

Saturday, April 09, 2005

A Sad Story

I can not imagine my child being subjected to such terror in the name of education. Our children are so vulnerable.
I wonder if the family considered homeschooling?

Black Homeschoolers in Chicago

Nice to hear what other folks are doing.
We are growing by leaps and bounds. Things are a-changing and the powers that be better wake up and take notice. We will no longer stand for an inferior education for our kids!

Click on the headline for more.

Blacks in Environmental Organizations

This very interesting article includes links to places that black youth will be encouraged to participate in environmental internships. Consider these opportunities for our homeschooled kids.

I enjoy reading about the blacks that we usually do not hear about- those that are quiet activists in nontraditional fields versus our louder black "leaders", athletes or rap stars.

Men like this are a good role model for my son. You probably will not read about him in the mainstream media (The New York Times, etc.).

Click on the headline for the full interview.

African-American Homeschoolers in the News

More Black families are choosing are choosing home education according to this article and many more highly publicized stories on national television and in the mainstream media.

It should be obvious that Black parents such as myself are no different than other parents in that we want our children to succeed academically to the best of their potential and we would like their formative years to be free from ungodly influences as much as possible.

I say shame on those who make Black homeschooling parents feel guilty because we will not allow our children to suffer at the hands of violence and low expectations in the name of racial solidarity.

Homeschooling is the best choice for Black Christian families who want to have a very active role in guiding their children's moral, spiritual and academic development.

To read this article about the rise in Black homeschooling families, click here.


I created this site to provide the latest news and views about homeschooling with an emphasis on items of interest to Christian African-American homeschoolers.

My mission is to encourage all African-American Christians (I will use this term interchangeably with black on this blog) to consider homeschooling their children as an alternative to the secular alternatives of public and private schools.

I believe that the future of our race depends on black Christians claiming our rightful place in Christ,living according to Biblical principles and raising our children accordingly. Homeschooling our children is an ideal way for us to further the cause of African-American education as our schools continue to fail us morally and academically.

Please come back often and contribute your thoughts and tips.