Black Christian Homeschoolers Association

Support, encouragement, news and views for Black Christian families who are considering homeschooling or who are already homeschooling.

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Location: Ohio, United States

I am the wife of a professional photographer and a homeschool mom. My interests are Biblical theology, scrapbooking and freelance writing.

Saturday, April 09, 2005

African-American Homeschoolers in the News

More Black families are choosing are choosing home education according to this article and many more highly publicized stories on national television and in the mainstream media.

It should be obvious that Black parents such as myself are no different than other parents in that we want our children to succeed academically to the best of their potential and we would like their formative years to be free from ungodly influences as much as possible.

I say shame on those who make Black homeschooling parents feel guilty because we will not allow our children to suffer at the hands of violence and low expectations in the name of racial solidarity.

Homeschooling is the best choice for Black Christian families who want to have a very active role in guiding their children's moral, spiritual and academic development.

To read this article about the rise in Black homeschooling families, click here.


Blogger ng2000 said...

Another resource for you:

2:47 AM  

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