Black Christian Homeschoolers Association

Support, encouragement, news and views for Black Christian families who are considering homeschooling or who are already homeschooling.

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Location: Ohio, United States

I am the wife of a professional photographer and a homeschool mom. My interests are Biblical theology, scrapbooking and freelance writing.

Saturday, April 09, 2005

Blacks in Environmental Organizations

This very interesting article includes links to places that black youth will be encouraged to participate in environmental internships. Consider these opportunities for our homeschooled kids.

I enjoy reading about the blacks that we usually do not hear about- those that are quiet activists in nontraditional fields versus our louder black "leaders", athletes or rap stars.

Men like this are a good role model for my son. You probably will not read about him in the mainstream media (The New York Times, etc.).

Click on the headline for the full interview.


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